We are a network and not for profit cooperative of urban food growers and local farmers working cooperatively to protect our abundant, common heritage of open-pollinated food seeds. We swap and share seeds, learn and teach about seed growing and saving, and together build a resilient community seed sharing network – a ‘living seed bank’. We run workshops and have regular get-togethers as well as running ongoing programs such as Seedlings for Community, the Dwarf Tomato Project and Native Seed Saving. We welcome you to join us and be part of the local network of seed savers, growers and guardians. You don’t have to have experience or be an expert: you can learn with us! Seed saving is for everyone.

Email: canberraseedsavers@gmail.com
Website: https://canberraseedsavers.org.au/ (you can subscribe to our regular newsletter through the website)
Join the Cooperative: https://canberraseedsavers.org.au/join-the-cooperative/

Come along to a regular Seedy Saturday: 11am-1pm every 3rd Saturday of the month (except December and January) at the Canberra Environment Centre. All welcome, kid friendly, swap or buy seeds, help sort the seed library!